furniture moving

Will All Your Furniture Make The Move?

Moving to a new home usually takes up time and money through hiring movers, such as Woody and Sons, and planning your move. This takes time from your busy schedule.

One of the most important planning techniques is what to do with oversized, large furniture. This kind of furniture is the most challenging to move and to decide what to do with. It is important to find out if this furniture will fit through doors, windows, or other exits out of your house. If it is not possible for this furniture to fit through doors or windows, dismantling is always an option. If you choose to go this path, it is a good idea to leave it to the professionals. Woody and Sons has countless hours of experience in dismantling large furniture.

If it is possible that your furniture can fit through doors and windows, you will first want to take measurements of the doors, windows, halls, and corridors of your current house and your new home. This will help solve the issue of getting your furniture out of your current place and making sure it can fit into your new place. If you need help deciding on whether your furniture will fit or not, Woody and Sons will always be able to help decide and confirm what furniture will be able to fit and what needs to be dismantled.

Planning to take furniture out yourself should be a “First Out, Last In” method. This meaning, the first large piece of furniture you remove from your floor plan should be the last placed piece of furniture. This will help in keeping space open to move in the other large pieces of furniture in your floor plan.

If your furniture is not able to fit through doors, windows, and hallways in your current home, or not able to fit through them in your new home either, these are a few options on what to do with your current furniture. First, you can leave it for the next person to use or throw away if it is not possible to remove the piece without destroying it. This option can “cost” you the expenses of having to buy new pieces of furniture to replace the left behind pieces. If it is possible to remove the piece from your current home, but not able to place in your new home, you are now presented with the opportunity to sell the furniture to fund buying new pieces for your new home. Craigslist is a good place to list furniture for sale, and in most cases someone will contact you the same day for purchasing at a good price. Another option is to donate it to a local church, thrift store, or GoodWill. Most of the time as well they will send a truck to come and collect your items free of charge. One option, but a costly one depending on how long you will be in your new home, is to place the items that can not fit, into a storage unit. Finally, you could give the furniture pieces to a family member that may want it.

Whichever selections you decide on, you can always ask for the price through Woody and Sons for dismantling, needing to bring extra equipment to fit items through upstairs windows or doors, and any other issues that come with oversized, large furniture.

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