Tampa Moving Services

Moving Into A High Rise Apartment

With the economy turn around we have been experiencing of late, and more people moving to “Mega Cities” and to new developing cities, there is a good chance you may have the option to live in a high rise very soon. Cities such Austin, TX and Tampa, FL are estimated to rise in population heavily by the year 2020. Many companies have been planning relocations of their headquarters to these two cities, bringing thousand of jobs with them. As these cities become more populated, you will continue to see not only the suburbs around them grow, but new buildings shooting up everywhere. If you want to live close to work to save on commute time, moving into a high rise may be the perfect fit for you.

Once you have decided to live in a high rise, it takes time to consider what it will be like living in one. Bigger cities can make it challenging to find a place that fits your needs financially, educationally in case you have kids, and requirements with pets, etc. Begin searching for a new home as soon as you have set your mind on a high rise. You should explore the price ranges, locations, and policies to find yourself the best fit and deal. Woody and Sons offers residential moving services that can accompany anyone moving from a house and into a new high rise.

Next, when deciding on where to live, look around and explore the neighborhood. Are you looking for restaurants, art plazas, museums, or a small quaint coffee house? You will also want to see how the neighborhood is for safety. Will you want a doorman or security on the premise? A key tip to finding the most places available is to look in the winter. Less people tend to move in the winter, which would give you less competition, but this can also mean that less people are moving out. Woody and Sons has business moving services to help prepare and execute a checklist for Tampa Bay Business moving.

After settling in on your high rise and signing your lease or purchase note, you will want to consider the space you have available. High rises tend to be smaller than normal homes meaning you will need to limit what you move. This is the perfect segway to cleaning, donating, and throwing out your current stuff. You may not have the option of a garage, and in return need to have a garage sale or obtain a storage unit. After deciding what to take with you, and moving everything in, you will want to have the locks changed at your new place guaranteeing a sense of security for you and your possessions.

You will also want to prepare a floor plan in advance of your move. Inventory everything you plan on moving and then set up a plan to arrange everything to take advantage of your space as best as you can. We recently wrote an article on the best way to prepare a floor plan.

When moving your things in, schedule to have a parking space and elevator reserved on your moving day. This will allow ease to move things in and not constantly waiting for the elevator to come to your floor or car. Make sure to make the reservations a couple of weeks in advance to allow adequate time for the manager to make preparations.

Moving into a hire rise may seem like a tall task and consist of a lot of moving parts. Woody and Sons is completely prepared to help with this process. From setting up pick and pack up, to moving in and unpacking, we can do it all. If you are planning on living in a high rise, it will be worth the time to call Woody and Sons to prepare and plan the move for you so you are not stuck carrying and moving items up to the 15th floor by yourself in a new city. Make sure you take a few months at least for finding your mover. Making a long distance move is very challenging, especially when it is into a new high rise with elevator access only; Woody and Sons provides long distance moving services.

Moving into a high rise apartment or condo is a great opportunity for you to start your life all over again. This could be an exciting adventure that will take you to a new place with new neighbors, and new and interesting places.

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