
How to Select Your Mover

Selecting any service provider is a tricky task however, with the right tools, you can make the right choice for your move!

  • The state of Florida requires all movers to be licensed and insured, so ask to see their license number. It will be indicated as FL IM (Florida Intrastate Movers). For instance, Woody and Sons Florida license number is FL IM 1805 We are licensed, insured, and registered with the state as required.
  • Checking the number that is provided to you to ensure that it is active and legitimate can be going to the following Florida state website; Once you arrive at this site you:
    1. Click on “Business Complaint/Lookup”.
    2. Input the license number and click search.
    3. The status of inputted license number will come up.
    4. Assessing the business credibility of any moving company can be accomplished by checking Angie’s List and Better Business Bureau.
  • Ask all of the moving companies which you contact if:
    1. They will perform a free on-site estimate.
    2. They will provide a quote to you in writing and include all charges that are applicable.
    3. They will honor all communications – phone calls, letters, emails.
  • When shopping for a mover, evaluate how you were treated.
  • Was the communication friendly and personable?
  • Were they willing to answer all of your questions to help you be more comfortable making your decision?
  • Did they seem more interested in selling you their service than taking care of your needs?
  • Remember when having your move quoted, be as detailed as possible about:
    1. The inventory of items you are moving.
    2. Residence details such as third level, two level, long walking distance from truck to door of the home. Movers can only provide you with an estimate of how long they think the move will take based on their experience with inventories and details of residences.
    3. Every move is different, however, movers should be more than willing to provide estimates in writing.
    4. Ask for referrals as a large portion of our business is word of mouth and who better to talk to than previous customers?

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