
How To Handle Relocation Depression

Being relocated because of a job, or just moving in general can give you a hard time. Between making moving plans, setting up a moving budget, hiring a moving company, and dealing with all the packing, unpacking, and deciding between what to keep and what to give away or sell, moving can be very stressful on your mind and body. The list could really go on and on between things you have to do, or want to do.

Relocation can cause a type of depression. Not saying everyone is going to get this, but some people are more sensitive or more emotional about the place they may be leaving, the job they left, or family members and friends they will be leaving behind. What really causes relocation depression? If you are moving with a partner, your children, or another family member, you may become worried about how they are coping with the move, finding a new job, joining a new school, and other variables. This might put stress on them, and magnify it for you if you are consistently worrying about how they are feeling towards the new move. Climate could also be another reason for relocation depression. If you are moving away from sunny Florida, to rainy Seattle, you may feel often depressed and missing Florida. The last example that causes depression could be a culture shock. Some people love living in a large, metropolitan area, such as New York City. For those people, if they move to a small town in New Mexico, they may feel themselves missing the noises, excitement, and flow of the city and its lights. This could cause depression and lack of energy towards what they are used to. Just because one may feel this way, does not mean they have to settle, and can’t overcome these feelings. Below we have compiled a list to overcome relocation depression.

The first tip in dealing with relocation depression is to be patient. Be patient with yourself, family members, and coworkers. Anyone who made the move with you is going through the same stress of moving, and having similar feelings as you are. Coworkers may be adjusting to the addition of you to the workforce, and trying to gage how you handle your work. The most key aspect of being patient is communication. Communicate with your family members, coworkers, and anybody else that you constantly rely on and care about.

The next thing you can do is to keep in touch with the coworkers, family members, and friends you left behind. Speaking to them on a weekly basis can help you and guide you, giving you a sense of structure and familiarity. The best thing to do is surround yourself with familiar items that remind you of these people.

Another great thing to do is to find new people at your new job, neighborhood, or hobbies. Ask a colleague to get lunch, or join a club that you are interested in. You will begin to make friends faster than you think.

Also, try to really get into your job. Working hard, working with others, and spending your time wisely will help you not dwell on the urges of missing your old home and friends.

The last tip to help cope with relocation depression is to experiment. Try new activities; find new things that will make you happy. These activities could be trying new food, visiting bars and restaurants, learning an instrument; the options are endless. The idea behind this is to open up new doors and opportunities to help make your relocation the best it can be.

Everyone will always feel a little homesick, and find themselves missing things, but you can not allow yourself to stay in this state of depression, but instead get out and explore.

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